VICE Games: Oh my god, these are fucking horrifying. VICE Games: What number of moles did you end up at? How'd you determine that? I've always viewed Leon as being somewhat of a “dandy,” so I wanted him to appear near-flawless in ways. Then, I noticed excessive amount of moles on his face, which became real distracting to me.

I was only experimenting at first seeing what could work what could make him appear more appealing. UltraGamera: Initially, I was messing around with his textures, trying to lighten his under eyes and give him less wrinkles, since I feel Leon appears older than he should (at the age of 21). VICE Games: The reason I was drawn to your mod was because it's so incredibly specific, so focused on a tiny detail. This interview has been lightly edited for clarity. This proved no different for modder UltraGamera, who was more than happy to speak with me about “Less Moles on Leon.” They want to explain the genesis of their creations, no matter how obscure or niche. In my experience, modders are very talkative. Some of the comments responding to the mod echoed my own thoughts, such as “Why?” Others, like the person asking for a mod “that gets rid of the cleft on his chin,” less so.