This way, we can pay attention on an E-Mail that we marked as Unread so we can read it later. The Mark for Unread Messages appears at the left of all the Folders and Subfolders that we have created in Outlook. Once activated, we press the Ok button at the bottom right corner of the Outlook Options dialog box for the adjustments to take place. Under the area Other of the Mail category, we activate the check box next to the command Mark Messages As Read When Delete. Once we select the category Mail from the Outlook Options dialog box, we scroll down in the middle of the pane until we locate the area named Other as shown below. In this category we can Change The Settings For Messages That We Create And Receive. From the Outlook Options dialog box, we select the category Mail from the left as shown below. Once we select the Options command, the Outlook Options dialog box appears as shown in the image below. We must select the File tab to move to Backstage View, and then from the left we select the command Options from the drop-down menu as shown in the image below. All you need to do is to continue reading the post below. For those who find it annoying, in Outlook we can adjust the settings to Automatically Mark the Messages As Read When We Delete Them. Some find this feature annoying and some find it useful. For example, if we see the Number 5, it means that Five Messages are Unread in the Deleted Items Folders. The Number that appears there, means that we still have that many Messages Unread. Now, the indication that the Message is Unread, is a Number at the left of the Deleted Items Folders. When we Delete this Message without even reading it, it moves into to the Deleted Items Folders. When we don’t read an E-mail Message that we have received in Outlook the Title of the Message and the Body that appears in our Inbox are Bold.