ReSrced is a graphical improvement to your vanilla half-life, this mod modifies stuff like skyboxes, textures, etc. Hello everyone, so I'm here to teach you all how to brutalize the ReSrced!

Join us! Our away homes on the interwebs: Furthermore, I assure you the mod gets better than what you see in this map.Half Life: ReSrced Brutalization Tutorial Signup Login ModsĪnd creators, since 2001.

I feel silly for posting such a minuscule demo (one map file) but I feel obligated since someone asked for one. The map is playable, but none of the script, texture, or sound changes will be present. This is because I'm not including any custom content in this demo. It's not a final version for that map either. To show what to expect in the map edits, heres an example. Hello again,it is me,Aulov Nikolay.Today i would like present to you the third alpha release of my mod.In this alpha release you will play only Half-Life Source campaign with Half-Life 2,Half-Life Source and Counter-Strike Source weapons.Half-Life 2,Half-Life Source and Counter-Strike Source weapons shoot bullets in non bullet time and projectile bullets in bullet time.Metal impacts make an sparks and spark shower.Some non player characters shoots normal bullets in non bullet time and projectile bullets in bullet time.If you hit the non player character with bullet weapon,it spawns an blood stream effect.Also,here are the ragdoll impacts,that goes with blood spray,blood decals and blood stream.Do not forget about ragdoll gibbing.If you shoot at the ragdoll with blast or buckshot weapon,it destroys the ragdoll and spawn the gibs.When you hit the non player character or metal wall in bullet time,it is emiting the impact sound.So,here it is,the third alpha release of my mod.